Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Native Owl fashion video

I wanted to post the link to the video of our Fresh and Local fashion show from this past Spring . .  We have such an amazing and supportive community that came out and had a blast.  I've noticed alot more people in our community putting their work out there and joining the handmade creative world.  A world so full of inspiration, wonder, imagination, and light. . . I'm honored to be a part of it ! 





(was trying to post video on here but couldn't figure it out)

love &  light

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Native Owl Spring Fashion 2012

Check out some of my work from this past Spring. . . 

We did a local fashion show and here is a few pics of my Spring Ikat dress collection along with a few kimonos I made and some of my new brass jewelry pieces from the Primitive Roots collection. . . .